
作者:  发布时间:2024-02-24  阅读次数:





学术兼职:担任New Phytologist, Plant Biotechnology Journal, Plant Molecular Biology, Environmental and Experimental Botany等多个SCI刊物审稿人。担任教育部学位中心通讯评议专家。2012年入选国际光合协会(International Society of Photosynthesis Research)会员,2015年入选云南省植物学会会员,2017年入选中国细胞生物学学会会员,2018年入选中国女科学家协会会员。2021年入选中国植物学会高级会员,入选湖北省植物学会和武汉市植物学会理事,民主促进委员会湖北大学在职支部副主任。2023年入选中国植物学会第十七届苔藓学会理事,中国细胞学会会员,入选湖北省合成生物学学会理事,湖北省细胞生物学学会干细胞专业委员会委员


2003.09–2008.06  华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室,博士

1999.09–2003.06  华中农业大学生命科学技术学院,学士


2020.01至今         湖北大学生命科学学院,教授

2014.05–2019.12  中国科学院昆明植物研究所,研究员(入选2015年中科院人才计划)

2008.09–2014.04  美国加州大学戴维斯分校,博士后


1.      2023 湖北省创新团队项目

2.      2022 浙江省植物干细胞调控项目

3.      2021 企业合作多靶标基因编辑项目

4.      2020 浙江润生合作组培体系建立项目

5.      2019 国家自然科学基金面上项目

6.      2018 中国科学院先导项目(子课题)

7.      2018 云南省农科院粮作所云粳系列稻抗逆性分析项目

8.      2017 企业合作植物多倍体育种项目

9.      2016 云南省“三区”项目

10.  2015 国家自然科学基金面上项目

11.  2014 中国科学院“百人计划” 项目


1 Kou S., Wu Z., Li H., Chen W., Liu W, Yuan P., Huang P., Liu L.* Heterologous expression of heat-shock protein PpHSP70 improves high temperature and drought tolerance in rice. Plant Stress. 2023, 10, 100273. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stress.2023.100273

2 Hu Y., Li Q., Chen Z., Xu Z., Li H., Wen C., Duan L., Yang H, Liu L.* Axenic in vitro cultivation and genome diploidization of the moss Vesicularia montagnei for horticulture utilization. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023, 14: 1137214. https://doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1137214

3 Yang H., Cui Y., Feng Y., Hu Y., Liu L.*, Duan L*. Long Non-Coding RNAs of Plants in Response to Abiotic Stresses and Their Regulating Roles in Promoting Environmental Adaption. Cells. 2023, 12:729. https://doi: 10.3390/cells12050729

4 Chen L., Duan L., Sun M., Yang Z., Li H., Hu K., Yang H., Liu L.*  Current trends and insights on EMS mutagenesis application to studies on plant abiotic stress tolerance and development. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023, 13: 1052569.  https://doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1052569

5 Sun M., Yang Z., Liu L.*, Duan L*. DNA methylation in plant response and adapt to abiotic stresses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23, 6910, https://doi:10.3390/ijms236910(共同通讯作者)

6 Yang Z., Duan L., Li H., Tang T., Chen L., Hu K., Yang H., Liu L.*  Regulation of Heat Stress in Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) patens Provides Novel Insight into the Functions of Plant RNase H1s.International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 9270. https:// doi: 10.3390/ijms23169270

7 Li Y., He Y., Liu Z., Qin T., Wang L., Liu L.Zhang J., Yuan W. OsSPL14 acts upstream of OsPIN1b and PILS6b to modulate axillary bud outgrowth by fine-tuning auxin transport in rice. The Plant Journal, 2022, https://doi: 10.1111/tpj.15884

8 Chen C., Gong X., Li Y., Li H., Zhang H., Liu L.Liang D., Yuan W. Interaction Analysis between the Arabidopsis Transcription Repressor VAL1 and Transcription Coregulators SIN3-LIKEs (SNLs). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 6987, https://doi:10.3390/ijms23136987

9 Lian Z.Nguyen C., Liu L.Wang  G.Chen J., Wang S., Huo H.* Application of Developmental Regulators to Improve In-Planta or In Vitro Transformation in Plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13837

10 Huang P., Gu Q., Hu Y., Li H., Wu Z., Liu W, Zhu Z, Yuan P., Duan L., Zhou Y., Liu L.* Genetic Analysis of a Collection of Rice Germplasm (Oryza sativa L.) through High-Density SNP Array Provides Useful Information for Further Breeding Practices. Genes. 2022, 13, 830. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes13050830(共同通讯作者)

11 Dong X., Pu X., Li P., Zhou S., Liu L.* Orphan gene PpARDT positively involved in drought tolerance potentially by enhancing ABA response in Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) patens. Plant Science. 2022, 319, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2022.111222(通讯作者)

12 Zhou Y.,  Wan T., Yuan B., Lei F., Chen M., Wang Q., Huang P., Kou S., Qiu W.*, Liu L.* Improving rice blast resistance by mining broad-spectrum resistance genes at the Pik locus. Rice Science. 2022, 29, https://doi.org/10.0162/j.ricesci.202229(共同通讯作者)

13 Chen S., Dong X., Yang Z., Hou X., Liu L.* Regulation of the Development in Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) patens implicates the functional differentiation of plant RNase H1s. Plant Science. 2021, 313, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2021.111070(通讯作者)

14 Kou S.†, Gu Q.†, Duan L.†, Liu G.†, Yuan P., Li H., Wu Z., Liu W., Huang P.*, Liu L.* Genome wide bisulphite sequencing uncovered the contribution of DNA methylation to rice short-term drought memory formation. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-021-10483-3(共同通讯作者)

15 Chen S., Li P., Tan S., Pu X., Zhou Y., Hu K., Huang W., Liu L.* Combined Proteomic and Physiological Analysis of Chloroplasts Reveals Drought and Recovery Response Mechanisms in Nicotiana benthamiana. Plants-Basel. 2021, 10, 1127, https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10061127(共同通讯作者)

16 Pu X., Dong X., Li Q., Chen Z., Liu L.* An update on the function and regulation of MEP and MVA pathways and their evolutionary dynamics. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2021, 63:1211–1226. https://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13076(通讯作者)

17 Li P., Luo T., Pu X., Zhou Y., Yu J., Liu L.* Plant transporters: roles in stress responses and effects on growth and development. Plant Growth Regulation. 2021, 93, 253–266. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10725-020-00684-3(通讯作者)

18 Yang H., Li P., Jin G., Gui D., Liu L.*, Zhang C.* Temporal regulation of alternative splicing events in rice memory under drought stress. Plant Diversity. 2020, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pld.2020.11.004 (共同通讯作者)

19 Chen Z., Wang W., Pu X., Dong X., Gao B., Li P., Jia Y., Liu A., Liu L.* Comprehensive analysis of the Ppatg3 mutant reveals that autophagy plays important roles in gametophore senescence in Physcomitrella patens. BMC Plant Biology. 2020, 20, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-020-02651-6(通讯作者)

20 Chen Z., Wang W., Dong X., Pu X., Gao B., Liu L. * Functional redundancy and divergence of β-carbonic anhydrases in Physcomitrella patens. Planta. 2020, 252, 20, https://doi:10.1007/s00425-020-03429-8(通讯作者)

21 Li P., Liu H., Yang H., Pu X., Li C., Huo H., Zhang C., Chu Z., Chang Y., Lin Y*., Liu L. * Translocation of Drought-Responsive Proteins from the Chloroplasts. Cells. 2020, 9, 259, https://doi:10.3390/cells9010259 (共同通讯作者)

22 Pu X., Yang L., Liu LN., Dong X., Chen S., Chen Z., Liu G., Jia Y., Yuan W., Liu L. * Genome-Wide Analysis of the MYB Transcription Factor Superfamily in Physcomitrella patens. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020, 21, 975, https://doi:10.3390/ijms21030975(通讯作者)

23 Pu X., Li P., Huo H., Dong X., Xie K., Yang H., Liu L.* A CRISPR/LbCas12a-based method for highly efficient multiplex gene editing in Physcomitrella patens. The Plant Journal. 2019, https://doi: 10.1111/tpj.14478 (通讯作者)

24 He J., Li P., Huo H., Liu L., Tang T., He M., Huang J., Liu L.* Heterologous expression of HpBHY and CrBKT enhance heat tolerance in Physcomitrella patens. Plant Diversity. 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pld.2019.04.001(通讯作者)

25 Li P., Yang H., Wang L., Liu H., Huo H., Zhang C., Liu A., Zhu A., Hu J., Lin Y., Liu L.* Physiological and transcriptome analyses reveal short-term responses and formation of memory under drought stress in rice. Frontiers in Genetics. 2019, https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2019.00055(通讯作者)

26 Guan Y. *,  Liu L.*,  Wang Q., Zhao J., Li P., Hu J, Yang Z, Running M, Sun H., Huang J. Gene refashioning through innovative shifting of reading frames in mosses. Nature Communications. 2018, 9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-04025-x (Co-first author) (并列第一作者)

27 Li P., Yang H., Liu G., Ma W., Li C., Huo H., He J., Liu L.* PpSARK Regulates Moss Senescence and Salt Tolerance through ABA Related Pathway. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018, 19, 2609, https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms19092609(通讯作者)

28 Yang H., Pu X., Wang L., Liu L.*, Theg S.M *. A new fluorescence-based method  to  monitor  the  pH  in  the  thylakoid lumen  using  GFP  variants,  Biochemical  and  Biophysical  Research Communications. 2016, https://doi.org/  10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.12.032(并列通讯作者)

29 Tang T., Yu A., Li P., Yang H., Liu G., Liu L.* Sequence analysis of the Hsp70 family in moss and evaluation of their functions in abiotic stress responses. Scientific Reports. 2016, https://doi.org/10.1038/srep33650 (通讯作者)

30 Li X., Han H., Chen M., Yang W., Liu L., Li N., Ding X., Chu Z. Overexpression of OsDT11, which encodes a novel cystein erich peptide, enhances drought tolerance and increases ABA concentration in rice. Plant Molecular Biology. 2016, https:// doi.org/10.1007/s11103-016-0544-x

31 Yang W., Dong R., Liu L., Hu Z., Li J., Wang Y., Ding X., Chu Z. A novel mutant allele of SSI2 confers a better balance between disease resistance and plant growth inhibition on Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology. 2016, https:// doi.org/10.1186/s12870-016-0898-x 

32 Liu L.*, Xu W., Hu X., Liu H., Lin Y. W-box and G-box elements play important roles in early senescence of rice flag leaf. Scientific Reports. 2016, https:// doi.org/10.1038/srep20881 (第一作者及通讯作者)

33 Yu A., Li P., Tang T., Chen, Y., Liu L.* Roles of Hsp70s in Stress Responses of Microorganisms, Plants, and Animals. Biomed Research International. 2015, https:// doi.org/ 10.1155/2015/510319(通讯作者)

34 Liu L., Shi L., McNeilage R., Theg S. ATP requirement for chloroplast protein import is set by the KM for ATP hydrolysis of stromal Hsp70. The Plant Cell. 2014, 26:1246-1255 (第一作者)

35 Zhou Y., Liu L., Lu L., Fan X., Huang W., Yuan M., Zhou F., Lin Y*. Overexpression of OsSWEET5 in Rice Causes Growth Retardation and Precocious Senescence. PLoS One, 2014, https:// doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0094210

36 Zhou Y., Huang W., Liu L., Zhou F., Chen T., Lin Y.  Identification and functional characterization of a rice NAC gene involved in the regulation of leaf senescence. BMC Plant Biology. 2013, 13: 132

37 Delatorre C., Cohen Y., Liu L.*, Peleg Z., Blumwald E. The regulation of the SARK promoter activity by hormones and environmental signals. Plant Science. 2012, 193: 39-47 (Co-first author) (并列第一作者)

38 Liu L., Zhou Y., Szczerba M., Li X., Lin Y. Identification and application of a rice senescence-associated promoter. Plant Physiology. 2010, 153:1239-1249 (第一作者)

39 Wang L., Xie W., Chen Y., Tang W., Ye R., Liu L., Yang J., Lin Y., Xu C., Zhang Q. A dynamic gene expression atlas of rice covering the whole life cycle using Affymetrix gene chip. Plant Journal. 2010, 61: 752-766

40 Zhao L., Lu L., Zhou H., Liu L., Yu S., Lin Y. Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling rice mature seed culturability using contiguous introgression lines. Plant Cell Report. 2009, 28: 247-256

41 Ye R., Huang H., Yang Z., Chen T., Liu L., Lin Y. Development of insect-resistant transgenic rice with Cry1C*-free endosperm. Pest management science. 2009, 65: 1015-1020

42 Liu L., Zhou Y., Zhou G., Ye R., Zhao L., Li X., Lin Y. Identification of early senescence-associated genes in rice flag leaves. Plant Molecular Biology. 2008, 67: 37-55 (第一作者)

43 周士钊,罗婷,刘莉*。苔藓NAC基因家族的生物信息学分析。基因组学与应用生物学。2022

44 李青, 普晓俊, 马文章, 李萍, 王继华, 王跃华, 刘莉* 流式细胞术测定5种苔藓植物的基因组大小。分子植物育种。2021, 4: 3-7

45 刘莉,赵丽娜,林拥军。水稻糖基水解酶基因GH27启动子克隆及初步分析[J]。江西农业大学学报,2010032(005)987-991


1. 林拥军,刘莉 水稻叶片衰老特异性启动子的鉴定及应用。专利号:CN200810048734.1。获得时间:2010211

2. 杨红,李萍,刘莉,鲁元学,章成君。一种皱叶青藓的快速繁殖方法。专利号:ZL201610772729.X获得时间:2018622

3. 杨红,李萍,刘莉,鲁元学,章成君。小立碗藓原丝体快速繁殖方法专利号:ZL201610772610.2获得时间:20181214

4. 刘莉,普晓俊,刘丽娜,李萍,杨红。CRISPR/Cas12a基因编辑系统在小立碗藓基因编辑中的应用专利号:ZL201910159312.X获得时间:20191210

5. 刘莉,刘高京,杨红,李萍,徐伟,温从发,任昭杰。一种植物基因组差异甲基化区域的检测方法。专利号:ZL201811561956.3获得时间:2020616

6. 刘莉,和建芳,李萍,杨红。一种β-胡萝卜素酮化酶的人工合成突变体及其编码序列和应用。专利号:ZL201810934991.9获得时间:202094

7. 鲁元学,刘莉,杨红,李萍。一种苔藓石质墙体绿化方法。专利号:ZL201710481390.2获得时间:20201113

8. 刘莉,杨红,李萍,徐伟,温从发,任昭杰。一种对质子浓度发生响应的荧光探针及其应用。专利号:ZL201811562387.4获得时间:2021525

9. 刘莉,李萍,马文章,杨红。PpMB1基因或PpMB1基因编码的蛋白质在提高植物耐脱水性中的应用。专利号:ZL201810953647.4获得时间:2021726

10. 刘莉 李青,温从发,黄钧超,李虹羽。一种明叶藓多倍体的培育方法。专利号:ZL202110811086.6获得时间:2022517

11. 刘莉,李萍,杨红,袁文雅。一种叶绿体蛋白和ATPase酶活性突变体在提高植物抗逆性中的应用。专利号:ZL201910151790.6获得时间:2022617

12. 刘莉,普晓俊,杨卓,杨红,袁文雅。一种通过控制HDS22基因来调控MEcPP含量从而改善植物耐热性的方法。专利号:ZL202110428532.5获得时间:2022624

13. 刘莉,董秀梅,张敬斐,温从发,张帆。苔藓特异孤基因PpDRO抗旱性应用。专利号:ZL202110788150.3获得时间:2023131

14. 刘莉,陈刘柱,章慧青,陈则希,段柳,温从发。一种景观型苔藓孢子规模化诱变筛选方法。专利号:ZL202210278946.9获得时间:2023314


1. 2020 Sept “苔藓高效多基因编辑系统建立和应用。第七届全国植物生物技术与产业化大会暨植物基因编辑技术与应用专题研讨会, 扬州, 中国

2. 2019 April “Multiplex gene editing in Physcomitrella patents using CRISPR/Cpf1 and its application in analyzing HDS gene function”, 2019 Photosynthesis Conference, Xi’an, China(全国光合作用学术研讨会)

3. 2018 Oct “Regulation of plant drought memory”. The 16th National Congress Of Botany, Kunming, China(第十六届全国植物学大会)

4. 2018 Oct “ABA functions in moss drought memory formation” The 8th Annual Word Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology, Fukuoka, Japan(第八届国际分子细胞生物学大会)

5. 2018 Sept “Short-term response and the formation of memory under drought stress”. The 2nd Global conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology, Rome, Italy(第2届国际植物科学和分子生物学大会)

6. 2017 Oct “Moss PA1 regulates dehydration tolerance”. 2017 National Congress Of Plant Biology, Chongqing, China (全国植物生物学大会)

7. 2015 Jul “What does Hsp70 do in moss chloroplasts”. The 8th Western Plant Biology and Resource Utilization Conference, Lasa, China (第八届西部植物生物学和资源利用会议)

8. 2014 Sept “ATP requirement for chloroplast protein import is set by the KM for ATP hydrolysis of stromal Hsp70”. The 17th Annual Moss International Conference, Beijing, China(第十七届国际苔藓大会)

9. 2011 Apr “A novel pH-sensitive GFP probe in chloroplast lumen”. The 7th Department of Plant Biology Retreat, California, USA(第七届加州大学植物生物学会议)


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