
作者:系统管理员  发布时间:2024-04-01  阅读次数:

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· Proceedings of the Royal Society  B副主编, 2023 –  至今

· Raffles Bulletin of Zoology副主编,1999 – 至今

· Australian Journal of Zoology编委,2007 – 至今

· Zookeys 编辑 2010 – 至今

· 蛛行学报编委,1999 – 至今

· Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 主编,2013 – 2018

· Behavioral Ecology副主编,2007 – 2012

· Frontiers in Zoology编委,2011 – 2022

· Current Zoology 编委,2004 – 2008,《动物学研究》编委(2007–2014),《动物分类学报》编委(2000 – 2021

· 期刊审稿人Nature PNAS, Current BiologyNature Ecology & EvolutionProceedings of the Royal Society BEvolution, Behavioral EcologyAnimal BehaviourBehavioral Ecology & SociobiologyOikosEcographyBiology LettersFunctional EcologyCurrent Zoology NaturwissenschaftenEthology

· 亚洲蛛形学会理事长,2018 – 2021

· 中国动物行为学会发起人之一及常务理事

· 中国动物学会中国动物学会蛛形学专业委员会委员




1992–1997    新西兰坎特伯雷大学,动物学,博士学位

1986–1989    华中农业大学,昆虫学,硕士学位

1979–1983    湖北大学生物系,生物学,理学学士学位


2024至今     湖北大学生命科学学院,入选国家级重点人才

2024至今     新加坡国立大学客座教授

2012–2017    湖北大学生命科学学院,入选湖北省省级人才

2009–2012   湖北大学生命科学学院,特聘教授

2005–2009    湖北大学生命科学学院,入选湖北省省级人才

2005 –2024  新加坡国立大学生物系副教授

1998 –2005  新加坡国立大学生物系助理教授

1997–1998   澳大利亚詹姆斯·库克大学,博士后

2008–2011   澳大利亚墨尔本大学动物学系荣誉高级研究员

2009.02–2009.04    澳大利亚昆士南大学生物医学科学学院,访问学者

2009.05–2009.07    英国牛津大学动物学系,访问学者


1.  国家自然科学基金(32270531):以跳蛛作为模式捕食者探究动物移动时进行伪装的机制;2023/01/01–2026/12/3154万元,主持人

2. 国家自然科学基金(31872229):瘤蟹蛛鸟粪伪装的适应性意义及其起源与进化;2019/01/01–2022/12/3162万元,主持人

3. 国家自然科学基金(31572276):跳蛛蚁蛛属蜘蛛的性选择与格斗武器的进化;2016/01/01–2019/12/3167万元,主持人

4. 国家自然科学基金(3272324):紫外颜色以及基于紫外颜色的雌性择偶喜好性的起源和进化;2013/01/01–2016/12/3183万元,主持人

5. 国家自然科学基金(30770332):捕食者眼中的节肢动物隐蔽色和拟态,2008/01/01–2010/12/3129万元,主持人

6. 国家自然科学基金(30470229):动物体色产生的机制及其在性选择中的作用,2005/01/01–2007/12/3120万元,主持人


1. Plenary speaker, “Spiders, an excellent group for studying animal behaviour’, the 19th Kingfisher Forum, 18–19 November 2023, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China

2. Plenary speaker, “Proportional perception and the evolution of sexual trait elaboration in jumping spiders”, the 8th Conference of the Eight Southern China Zoology, 13–16 November 2023, Changsha, Hunan, China

3. Plenary speaker, “Bird-dropping masquerade in Phrynarachne crab spiders: a bird’s eye view”, the 5th Conference of the Animal Behavioral Society of China, 13–16 November 2023, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China.

4. Keynote speaker “Bird-dropping masquerade in Phrynarachne crab spiders: a bird’s eye view”, American Arachnological Society 2023 Meeting, 25–29 June 2023, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA.

5. Plenary speaker, “How camouflage works in a dynamic world”. The 7th Animal Behavioural Society of China (ABSC) Conference, 1518 November 2019, Haikou, Hainan Province, China.

6. Plenary speaker: “UV colouration in jumping spiders”, Adaptive Coloration Symposium, 2526 March 2019, Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS.

7. Invited speaker: “The genetic basis of aggression in a jumping spider”, Symposium: Jumping spiders: behavior, ecology and evolution. The 21st International Arachnological Congress, 10–15 February 2019, Christchurch, New Zealand.

8. Invited speaker: “Personality and decision-making in specialized spider-eating jumping spiders”. The 1st AsiaEvo Conference, 18–20 April 2018, Shenzhen, China, organized by China National GeneBank, Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS.

9. Plenary speaker: “Personality and decision-making in specialized spider-eating jumping spiders”. The 4th Conference of Asian Society of Arachnology & The 15th Meeting of Arachnological Society of China, 9–13 October 2017, Chongqing, China.

10. Invited speaker: “Jumping spiders as models for the study of animal coloration”. The 20th International Congress of Arachnology, 2–9 July 2016, Golden, Colorado, USA.

11. Invited speaker: “Sexually selected UVB colouration at a nanometer scale”. Behaviour 2015 34th International Ethological Conference, 9–14 August 2015, Cairns, Qld, Australia.

12. Invited speaker, “UV coloration in jumping spiders: mechanisms, function and evolution”. 15th International Society of Behavioral Ecology, 31 July–5 August 2014, New York City University, New York, USA.

13. Plenary speaker, “Ultraviolet: (in)visible light to sex of jumping spiders”. 19th International Congress of Arachnology, 23–28 June 2013, Kenting National Park, Taiwan.

14. Plenary speaker, “Ultraviolet coloration in jumping spiders: function and evolution”. The 2012 Annual Meeting of Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASSAB), 26–28 June 2012, Geelong Botanic Gardens, Geelong, Melbourne, Australia.

15. Invited speaker, “Ultraviolet coloration in jumping spiders: mechanisms and function”. 1st International Symposium on Natural Photonic Structures, 1–4 June 2011, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.


发表论文: 196 (SCI: 176)

引用数 (Google scholar): 6,231

h-index: 44

i10-index: 122

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?hl=en&user=0mxMJ5EAAAAJ&view_op=list_works

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daiqin-Li

1. Tan, M., Zhang, S.C.*, Stevens, M., Li, D.* & Tan, E.J. *. 2023. Antipredator defences in motion: Animals reduce predation risks by concealing or misleading motion signals? Biological Reviews. doi: 10.1111/brv.13044

2. Yu, G.C., Wong, B.H., Painting, C.J., Li, H., Yu, L., Zhang, Z.T., Zhang, S.C. & Li, D*. 2024. Males armed with big weapons win fights at limited cost to foraging efficiency and compensate for neighbouring structures in ant-mimicking jumping spiders. Current Zoology 70: 98–108.

3. Wang, K., Wang, J.H., Liang, B., Chang, J., Zhu, Y., Chen, J., Agnarsson, I., Li, D., Peng, Y. & Liu, J. 2023. Eyeless cave-dwelling spiders still rely on light. Science Advances 9 (51): eadj0348. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adj0348

4. Kwek, B.Z.W., Zhou, W., Yu, L., Ding, G.H. & Li, D.* 2023. Female preference for males with lower pattern contrast follows Weber’s law of proportional processing in an ornate jumping spider. Functional Ecology 37: 2434–2446.

5. Zhang, S,C., Liu, Y.J., Ma, Y.B., Wang, H., Zhao, Y., Kuntner, M. & Li, D*. 2022. A novel catapult mechanism for male spiders to avoid sexual cannibalism. Current Biology 32: R354355.

6. Zhang, S.C., Yu, L., Tan, M., Tan, N.Y.L, Wong, X.X.B., Kuntner, M. & Li, D*. 2022. Male mating strategies to counter female sexual conflict in spiders. Communications Biology 5: 534.

7. Xu, X., Yu, L., Li, F., Wang, B.J., Liu, F.X. & Li, D*. 2022. Phylogenetic placements and species delimitation of the crab spider genus Phrynarachne (Araneae: Thomisidae) from China. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 173: 107521.

8. Yu, L., Xu, X., Zhang, Z.T., Liu, F.X., Painting, C.J., Yang, X.D. & Li, D*. 2022. Masquerading predators deceive prey by aggressively mimicking bird-droppings in a crab spider. Current Zoology 68(3): 325334.

9. Yu, L., Xu, X., Li, F., Zhou, W., Zeng, H., Tan, E.J., Li, D*. & Zhang, S.C. 2022. From crypsis to masquerade: ontogeny changes the colour defences of a crab spider hiding as bird droppings. Functional Ecology 36(4): 837849.

10. Xu, X., Su, Y-C., Ho, S.Y.W., Kuntner, M., Ono, H., Liu, F.X., Chang, C-C., Warrit, N., Sivayyapram, V., Aung, K.P.P., Pham, D.S., Norma-Rashid, Y. & Li, D*. 2021. Phylogenomic analysis of ultraconserved elements resolves the evolutionary and biogeographic history of segmented trapdoor spiders. Systematic Biology 70(6): 11101122.

11. Zhou, W., Yu, L., Jin, G., Zeng, H. & Li, D*. 2021. Sexual selection on jumping spider colour pattern: investigation with a new quantitative approach. Behavioral Ecology 32(4): 695706.

12. Kwek, B.Z.W., Tan, M., Yu, L., Zhou, W., Chang, C.-C. & Li D*. 2021. Aggressive males are more attractive and are more likely to win contests in jumping spiders. Animal Behaviour 179: 5163.

13. Zhou, W., Yu, L., Jin, G., Zeng, H. & Li, D*. 2021. Sexual selection on jumping spider colour pattern: investigation with a new quantitative approach. Behavioral Ecology 32(4): 695706.

14. Ma, L.N., Yu, L., Gong, D.Y., Hua, Z.Y., Zeng, H., Chen L.Y., Mao, A.J., Chen, Z.Z., Chai, R.X., Ma, Y.B., Zhang, Z.T., Li, D., Luo, J. & Zhang, S.C. 2020. Detritus decorations as the extended phenotype deflect avian predator attack in an orb-web spider. Functional Ecology 34: 21102119.

15. Luo, Y.F., Goh, S.P., Li, D., Gonzaga, M.O., Santos, A.J., Tanikawa, A., Yoshida, H., Haddad, C.R., May-Collado, L., Gregoric, M., Turk, E., Kuntner, M. & Agnarsson, I. 2020. Global diversification of Anelosimus spiders driven by long distance overwater dispersal and Neogene climate oscillations. Systematic Biology 69: 11221136.

16. Xu, X., Kuntner, M., Bond, J.E., Ono, H., Ho, S.Y.W, Liu, F.X., Yu, L. & Li, D*. 2020. Molecular species delimitation in the primitively segmented spider genus Heptathela endemic to Japanese islands. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 151: 106900.

17. Chang, C.-c., Connahs, H., Tan, E.C.Y., Norma-Rashid, Y., Mrinalini, Li, D*. & Chew, F.T. 2020. Female spider aggression is associated with genetic underpinnings of the nervous system and immune response to pathogens. Molecular Ecology 29: 26262638.

18. Wu, S., Tan, K.J., Govindarajan, L.N., Stewart, J.C., Gu, L., Ho, J.W.H., Katarya, M., Wong, B.H., Tan, E.K., Li, D., Claridge-Chang, A., Libedinsky, C., Cheng L. & Aw, S.S. 2019. Full automated leg tracking of Drosophila neurodegeneration models reveals distinct conserved movement signatures. PLOS Biology 17(6): e3000346.

19. Zeng, H., Wee, S. S.E., Painting, C.J., Zhang, S.C. & Li, D. 2019. Equivalent effect of UV coloration and vibratory signal on mating success in a jumping spider. Behavioral Ecology 30: 313–321.

20. Xu, X., Kuntner, M., Liu, F.X., Chen, J. & Li, D. 2018. River formation and mountain uplifting drives diversification of primitively segmented spiders in continental East Asia. Journal of Biogeography 45: 2080–2091.

21. Chang, C-C., Lim, Z.Y., Klomp, D.A., Norma-Rashid, Y & Li, D. 2018. Aggressive spiders make wrong decisions in a complex task. Behavioral Ecology 29(4): 848–854.

22. Painting, C.J., Nicholson, C.C., Bulbert, M.W., Normal-Rashid, Y. & Li, D. 2017. Nectary feeding and guarding behaviour by a tropical jumping spider. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15: 469–470.

23. Painting, C.J., Chang, C.-C., Seah, J.F. & Li, D. 2017. Condition dependence of female-specific UV-induced fluorescence in a jumping spider. Animal Behaviour 127: 233–241.

24. Xu, X., Liu, F.X., Chen, J., Ono, H., Li, D. & Kuntner, M. 2016. Pre-Pleistocene geological events shaping diversification and distribution of primitively segmented spiders on East Asian Margins. Journal of Biogeography 43: 1004–1019.

25. Kuntner, M., Agnarsson, I. & Li, D. 2015. The eunuch phenomenon: adaptive evolution of genital emasculation in sexually dimorphic spiders. Biological Review 90: 278–296.

26. Xu, X., Liu, F.X., Cheng, R-C., Chen, J., Xu, X., Zhang, Z.S., Ono, H., Pham, D.S., Norma-Rashid, Y., Arnedo, M.A., Kuntner, M. & Li, D. 2015. Extant primitively segmented spiders have recently diversified from an ancient lineage. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282: 20142486.

27. Zhang, S.C., Koh, T.H., Seah, W.K., Lai, Y.H., Elgar, M.A. & Li, D. 2012. A novel property of spider silk: chemical defence against ants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279: 1824–1830.

28. Huang, J-N., Chen, R-C., Li, D. & Tso, I-M. 2011. Salticid predation as one potential driving force of ant mimicry in jumping spiders. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278: 13561364.

29. Li, J. J., Zhang, Z. T., Liu, F. X., Liu, Q. Q., Chen, J., Lim, M. L. M. & Li, D. 2008. UVB-based mate choice cues used by females of the jumping spider Phintella vittata. Current Biology 18: 699–703.

30. Lim, M. L. M., Land, M. F. & Li, D. 2007. Sex-specific UV and fluorescence signals in jumping spiders. Science 315: 481.

31. Land, M. F., Lim, M. L. M. & Li, D. 2007. Optics of the ultra-violet reflecting scales of a jumping spider. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274: 1583–1589.

32. Lim, M. L. M. & Li, D. 2007. Effects of age and feeding history on structure–based ornaments of a jumping spider.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274: 569–575.

33. Du, N., Liu, X. Y., Narayanan, J., Li, L., Lim, M. L. M. & Li, D. 2006. Design of superior spider silk: from nanostructure to mechanical properties. Biophysical Journal 91: 4528–4535.

34. Li, D. 2005. Spiders that decorate webs at higher frequency intercept more prey and grow faster. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272: 1753–1757.

35. Li, D. (2002). Hatching responses of subsocial spitting spiders to predation risk. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 269: 2155–2161.

36. Seah, W. K. & Li, D. (2001). Stabilimenta attract unwelcome predators to orb-webs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 268:1553–1558.


1.    2023       2020–2022年湖北省政府“编钟奖”

2.    2023       新加坡政府国庆节长期服务奖

3.    2022       国家级重点人才入选者

4.    2013       新加坡国立大学生物学年度最佳论文奖

5.    2012       湖北省省级人才入选者

6.    2007       新加坡国立大学理学院杰出科学家奖

7.    2007       国际动物学会最佳动物学研究奖

8.    2005       湖北省省级人才入选者

9.    2001       国际蛛行学大会最佳科学摄影奖

10. 2000       新加坡国立大学理学院最佳教学奖


1.    本实验室及研究中心招助研、博士后、讲师、副教授及教授。有行为生态、动物行为、演化生物学、感官生态学、蛛形学、生物地理、分子生态与演化、生信或生物材料学等背景,发表过SCI论文,具有合作精神。具有基因组学、evo-devo、动物视觉、laser-vibrometermicor-CTGC-MSGC-EAD等研究背景的优先考虑。可将简历发送至daiqin.li@hubu.edu.cn,待遇面议。

2.    本实验室及研究中心长期招收有探索精神、动手能力强并踏实细致的硕士及博士研究生。

3.    常年欢迎对科学感兴趣的本科生进入实验室学习。

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