
作者:  发布时间:2024-10-09  阅读次数:







2017.09-2020.06  天津科技大学,博士

2017.09-2020.06  中科院天津工业生物技术研究所,客座博士,导师:郭瑞庭

2010.09-2013.03  天津科技大学,硕士

2011.03-2013.03  中科院天津工业生物技术研究所,联培硕士,导师:郭瑞庭

2006.09-2010.06  中北大学,生物工程,学士


2022.06至今     湖北大学,讲师、副教授

2020.06-2022.05  湖北大学,博士后,导师:郭瑞庭

2013.04-2017.08  中科院天津工业生物技术研究所,助理研究员


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,19万,2017-2019,主持

2. 中国博士后基金面上项目,8万,2020-2022,主持

3. 湖北省博士后创新研究岗位资助,6万,2020-2022,主持

4. 国家重点研发计划合成生物学重点专项,2020-2025,项目骨干

5. 湖北省面上项目8万,2023-2025,主持


1. Hu, Y.,# Dai, L.,# Xu, Y.,# Niu, D., Yang, X., Xie, Z., Shen, P., Li, X., Li, H., Zhang, L., Min, J., Guo, R. T.,* Chen, C. C.* Functional characterization and structural basis of an efficient ochratoxin A-degrading amidohydrolase. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac. 2024.134831(一区TOP期刊)

2. Hu, Y.,# Li, H.,# Min, J.,# Yu, Y., Liu, W., Huang J. W., Zhang, L., Yang, Y., Dai, L.,* Chen, C. C.,* Guo, R. T.* Crystal structure and biochemical analysis of the specialized deoxynivalenol–detoxifying glyoxalase SPG from Gossypium hirsutum. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 200, 388-396.(一区TOP期刊)

3. Li, H.,# Yang, Y.,# Hu, Y.,# Chen, C. C., Huang J. W., Min, J., Dai, L.,* Guo, R. T.* Structural analysis and engineering of aldo-keto reductase from glyphosate-resistant Echinochloa colona. Journal of Hazardous Materials2022. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129191 (一区)

4. Dai, L.,# Li, H.,# Huang J. W., Hu, Y.,# He, M., Yang, Y., Min, J., Guo, R. T.,* Chen, C. C.* Structure-based rational design of a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase for improving activity toward mycotoxin patulin. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 222, 421-428.(一区,TOP期刊)

5. Dai, L.,# Zhang X.,# Hu Y.,# Shen J., Zhang Q.,Zhang L., Min J., Chen, C. C., Liu Y.,* Huang J. W.,* Guo, R. T.* Structural and functional insights into a nonheme iron- and α-ketoglutarate-dependent halogenase that catalyzes chlorination of nucleotide substrates. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2022. (TOP期刊,封面文章)

6. Dai, L.,# Qu, Y.,# Hu, Y.,# Min, J., Yu, X., Chen, C., Huang, J. W.,* Guo, R. T.* Catalytically inactive lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase PcAA14A enhances the enzyme-mediated hydrolysis of polyethylene terephthalate. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 190, 456-462.(一区TOP期刊)

7. Hu, Y., Li H., Qu Y., Zhang, X., Zhang J., Dai, L.* Biocatalytic synthesis of a novel bioactive ginsenoside using UDP-glycosyltransferase from Bacillus Subtilis 168. Catalysts, 2020, 10289.

8. Hu, Y.,# Min, J.,# Qu, Y.; Zhang, X., Zhang, J., Yu, X.,* Dai, L.* Biocatalytic synthesis of calycosin-7-O-β-D-glucoside with UDP-glucose regeneration system. Catalysts, 2020, 10258.

9. Hu, Y.,# Xue, J.,# Min, J.,# Qin, L., Zhang, J.,* Dai, L.* Biocatalytic synthesis of ginsenoside Rh2 using Arabidopsis thaliana glucosyltransferase-catalyzed coupled reactions. Journal of Biotechnology, 2020, 309107-112.

10. Hu, Y.,# Liu, W.,# Malwal, S. R.,Zheng, Y., Feng, X., Ko, T. P., Chen, C. C., Xu, Z., Liu, M., Han, X., Gao, J., Oldfield, E.,* Guo, R. T.* Structures of iridoid synthase from Cantharanthus roseus with bound NAD(+), NADPH, or NAD(+) /10-oxogeranialreaction mechanisms. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015, 54, 15478-15482. (一区,VIP封面文章)

11. Feng, X.,# Hu, Y.,# Zheng, Y.,# Zhu, W., Li, K., Huang, C. H., Ko, T. P., Ren, F., Chan, H. C., Nega, M., Bogue, S., Lopez, D., Kolter, R., Gotz, F., Guo, R. T.,* Oldfield, E.* Structural and functional analysis of Bacillus subtilis YisP reveals a role of its product in biofilm production. Cell Chemical Biology, 2014, 21, 1557-1563.(一区)

12. Chan, H. C.,# Feng, X.,# Ko, T. P.#, Huang, C. H., Hu, Y., Zheng, Y., Bogue, S., Nakano, C., Hoshino, T., Zhang, L., Lv, P., Liu, W., Crick, D. C., Liang, P. H., Wang, A. H. J., Oldfield, E.,* Guo, R. T.* Structure and inhibition of tuberculosinol synthase and decaprenyl diphosphate synthase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136, 2892-2896. (一区,IF16.383

13. Hu, Y., Jia, S., Ren, F., Huang, C. H., Ko, T. P., Mitchell, D. A., Guo, R. T., Zheng, Y. * Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of YisP protein from Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis strain 168. Acta Crystallographica. Section F, Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 2013, 69, 77-79.

14. Ren, F.,# Feng, X.,# Ko, T. P.,# Huang, C. H., Hu, Y., Chan, H. C., Liu, Y. L., Wang, K., Chen, C. C., Pang, X., He, M., Li, Y., Oldfield, E.,* Guo, R. T.* Insights into TIM-barrel prenyl transferase mechanisms: crystal structures of PcrB from Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus. ChemBioChem : a European Journal of Chemical Biology, 2013, 14, 195-199. (封面文章)

15. Ren, F.,# Ko, T. P.,# Feng, X., Huang, C. H., Chan, H. C., Hu, Y., Wang, K., Ma, Y., Liang, P. H., Wang, A. H. J., Oldfield, E.,* Guo, R. T.* Insights into the mechanism of the antibiotic-synthesizing enzyme MoeO5 from crystal structures of different complexes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2012, 51, 4157-4160. (一区,封面文章)

16. Chan, H. C.,# Zhu, Y.,# Hu, Y., Ko, T. P., Huang, C. H., Ren, F., Chen, C. C., Ma, Y., Guo, R. T.,* Sun, Y.* Crystal structures of D-psicose 3-epimerase from Clostridium cellulolyticum H10 and its complex with ketohexose sugars. Protein & Cell, 2012, 3, 123-131. (一区,封面文章)


1. 戴隆海,胡玉梅,徐宇航,牛杜,杨雪纯,谢珍珍,沈盼盼,李鲜,李豪,闵鉴,杨钰,黄建文,张丽兰,杨云云,郭瑞庭,陈纯琪,一种高效降解赭曲霉毒素A的酰胺水解酶及其编码基因、重组载体及应用,2024-2-21,中国,202410194281.2

2. 戴隆海,陈纯琪,闵鉴,牛杜,黄建文,胡玉梅,张丽兰,杨云云,郭瑞庭,一种具有高活性的重组酰胺酶及其编码基因、重组载体及应用,202310059808.6

3. 陈纯琪,屈莹莹,戴隆海,黃建文,刘珂,张丽兰,杨云云,胡玉梅,詹志春,郭瑞庭,具纤维素结合域的PET水解酶,202010986920.0


1. 2020年,天津市自然科学二等奖

2. 湖北省优秀博士后追踪计划

3. 第九届全国大学生生命科学竞赛(科学探究类)国家一等奖、湖北省一等奖(2024年)

4. 全国第三届合成生物学竞赛金奖(2024年)

5. 中国国际大学生创新大赛湖北省银奖(2024年)

6. 全国第二届合成生物学竞赛金奖,最佳科普文章奖(2023年)

7. 第八届全国大学生生命科学竞赛(科学探究类)湖北省二等奖(2023年)

8. 湖北大学生命科学学院第六届达尔文生物秀指导教师二等奖(2023年)

9. 湖北大学第九届青年教师教学竞赛三等奖(2023年)

10. 生命科学学院第五届青年教师教学竞赛一等奖(2023年)

11. 第一届生物反应器工程与生物制造学术会议优秀墙报奖(2023年)

12. 第一届生物反应器工程与生物制造学术会议生物催化与酶工程论坛报告人(2023年)



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