
作者:系统管理员  发布时间:2015-07-16  阅读次数:








2005.09–2009.07   中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所遗传学,理学博士

2002.09–2005.07   湖北大学生物化学与分子生物学专业,理学硕士

1998.09–2002.07   湖北大学化学生物学基地班,学学士


2015.05至今           湖北大学生命科学学院,副教授、教授

2009.07–2013.12   德国柏林自由大学植物遗传应用研究所,博士后


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31800223):细胞分裂素介导的拟南芥对灰霉菌的抗性反应机制,25万元,2019.01–2021.12,主持

2. 湖北大学自然科学基金(170037):细胞分裂素调控水稻根系结构的分子机理研究,2016.01–2017.12,主持

3. 湖北省人才专项经费,主持


1. Fu J, Xu W, Huang W, Wang B, Li S, Zhang J, Chang L*. (2021) Importation of taxadiene synthase into chloroplast improves taxadiene production in tobacco. Planta 253,107.

2. Li B, Wang R, Wang S, Zhang J, Chang L*. (2021) Diversified regulation of cytokinin levels and signaling during Botrytis cinerea infection in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 12,584042.

3. Wu Y, Chang L, Jiang C, Xu L, Zhang J* (2021) Plastid transformation in Poplar, a model for perennial trees. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2317, 257–265.

4. Li S, Chang L, Zhang J. (2021) Advancing organelle genome transformation and editing for crop improvement. Plant Communications 2, 100141.

5. Xu S, Zhang Y, Li S, Chang L, Wu Y, Zhang J.(2020) Plastid-expressed Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cry3Bb confers high mortality to a leaf eating beetle in poplar. Plant Cell Reports 39, 317–323.

6. Xu S, Zhang Y, Li S, Chang L, Wu Y*, Zhang J*. (2020) Plastid-expressed Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cry3Bb confers high mortality to a leaf eating beetle in poplar. Plant Cell Reports 39, 317–323.

7. You L, Song Q, Wu Y, Li S, Jiang C, Chang L, Yang X*, Zhang J*. (2019) Accumulation of glycine betaine in transplastomic potato plants expressing choline oxidase confers improved drought tolerance. Planta 249, 1963–1975.

8. Wu Y, You L, Li S, Ma M, Wu M, Ma L, Bock R, Chang L*, Zhang J*. (2017) In vivo assembly in Escherichia coli of transformation vectors for plastid genome engineering. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8, 1454.

9. Chang L, Ramireddy E, Schmülling T. (2015) Cytokininas a positional cue regulating lateral root spacing in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 66, 4759–4768.

10. Ramireddy E, Chang L, Schmülling T. (2014) Cytokinin as mediator for regulating root system architecture in reponse to enviromental cues. Plant Signal & Behavior 9, e27771.

11. Chang L, Ramireddy E, Schmülling T. (2013) Lateral root formation and growth of Arabidopsis is redundantly regulated by cytokinin metabolism and signaling genes. Journal of Experimental Botany 64, 5021–5032. 

12. Chang L, Ma H, Xue H. (2009) Functional conservation of the meiotic genes SDS and RCK in male meiosis in the monocot rice. Cell Research 19, 768–782.

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